6 Easy Tips To Help You Last Longer In Bed

Throughout the centuries, there's been many techniques and theories about how men can last longer in bed. In many ancient eastern culture they often burned incense and believed that certain spices and herbs helped to delay orgasms.

Although there are some scientific evidence that proofs some of these strategies to be effective, we now have much more definite and scientific facts. It all boils down to the fact that YOU control your ejaculation reflex and it's as "simple" as learning to get control over it.

The majority of exercises and techniques are geared towards fixing the mind and correcting your attitude towards sex which is at the core of the problem. Here are 6 great tips to help you last longer in bed - some are harder than others, but they've been proven to work. Try it!

1. Start by timing your masturbation sessions. Set a limit of fifteen minutes to start off and do not ejaculate before this time has lapsed. This way your brain learns that you can last that long. Now make the time longer and try to reach half an hour. Slowly but surely your brain will learn that you do have staying power. It's similar to building your physical fitness. It takes a bit of time and practice.

2. The "squeeze to halt technique" is well known, but where you apply pressure will make a difference. Aim for the urethra and as close to the head as possible. Squeeze hard to displace some blood as this will help to hold off the natural ejaculation reflex.

3. Sex is not a mad dash to the finish line. The process follows a rhythm of excitement, a then a period of stability and finally the orgasm(s) and relaxation. Be aware of each stage during sex and give yourself. A Great way to help you last longer in bed is to give yourself a mark out of 10 for stage of sex. Try and aim to keep at a 5 for all the phases. This will make you more aware of the whole process. and soon you will sense where the process is going to fast, giving you more control.

4. The muscles that stop the flow of urine should be exercised to prolong sexual stamina. They are called Kegel exercises and can be done every time you visit the toilet. Once you can sense the correct muscles, you should do your Kegels as often as you can wherever you want. Woman know this secret, why not join them?

5. Mental pressure to get your partner to orgasm may cause a problem as well. The solution is quite simple, let them enjoy the experience first and then follow at your own pace. As soon as you shift your focus off of yourself and unto your partner, your whole perception and experience will change dramatically.

6. Sexual stimuli come directly from the brain and so do ejaculation responses. By focusing on this the whole time, you will rush the process and end up feeling done in. Rather shift your focus to what your body feels, how pleasurable the moment is and thus create a diversion for your mind. Sexual practices that relates to a more spiritual experience focusses strongly on being 'in the moment' and Tantric sex has many profound teachings about the whole sexual experience.
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